All posts tagged: music

Another Moment That Snuck Up On Me


This year, my daughter decided to participate in the orchestra pit for her school’s production of Pippin. I caught tonight’s performance and it was simply amazing! I could gush on and on…and I was…clapping myself silly…standing ovation…whole house cheering. Then the pit floor started to rise (did I mention my daughter is in the pit?).  Seriously, the moment snuck up on me…it took my breath away. There she was. My girl. Just seeing her there…I […]

Music: A Stroll Down Memory Lane

Nuggets / Stories

Anyone who has met me more than twice could tell you how deeply I’m moved by music. Not that I have ever been able to create music, nor do I think I have any kind of technical expertise or even overly sophisticated taste in music…but still, I am a voracious consumer and I like to think my musical horizons are far reaching. Listening to Cliffs of Dover earlier today got me a little nostalgic, to […]